Quick Start


Download the code from https://www.github.com

Hint: If working in Spyder IDE, please set the working directory to the root folder (Inve2st_Passenger_car).


Please use Python 3.7. Following python modules are required and should be installed before running the framework.

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • psycopg2

Minimum working example Passenger Cars

To run the simulation for passenger cars car_simulation.py needs to be executed. If no own PostgreSQL Database – according to the Inve2st schema is set up, the model can be run without database – reading in csv data from the Input folder. Within the car_simulation.py the following settings need to be put to work with csv files:


The csv files are provided for different cases:


The options (scenarios) that are available are put as comments in the car_simulation.py and can be replaced by the other available options(e.g. investment_option = ‘Class1_small’ can be replaced by investment_option = ‘Class2_medium’). The folder name in the input order shows which scenarios are available by default. A detailed description of the data can be found under “Data and Database”. A short description of the options is provided in the code. In the folder inputs/scenario_data an excel sheet is provided containing attribute developments for 4 different scenarios, which can be filtered an replaced in the input/query_attribute_level_per_year.csv - if the scenario is not supplied by default. Ensure that the folder name is build according to the “folder_name” specification

All user settings can be made in the car_simulation.py
